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Länsimetro, Espoo

Opened in late 2018, the Länsimetro is one of the most important and largest public transport projects in the capital region and the largest ever in Finland. The second phase of the metro project, comprising 13 stations in total, is due for completion in 2023.

Opened in late 2018, the Länsimetro is one of the most important and largest public transport projects in the capital region and the largest ever in Finland. The second phase of the metro project, comprising 13 stations in total, is due for completion in 2023.

The design of the Länsimetro lighting system has been based on passenger safety in all situations, which has been reflected in the particularly careful design of the lighting. Tammerneon has produced box signs for eight metro stations, with a total length of more than 3 km and a total of more than 135 000 energy-efficient LED modules to guide almost 100 000 users every day.

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