Tammerneon/ Tuotteet/

Towers and pylons

A pylon is a tall freestanding outdoor structure that can have several LED-illuminated signs on its sides. Our 50 years of experience in making pylons enables flexible deliveries ranging from a single pylon to even hundreds of pylons.

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Large and modern towers or pylons are real eye-catchers. These solutions allows for long-term visibility and real-time advertising. Towers and pylons are highly effective overall solution for improving the visibility of business and is a typical solution for all road side business locations like commercial centers and gas stations.


Advertising tower in Keminmaa- 400m2 Led-lit surface area

The 40 m high tower in Keminmaa is one of the largest illuminated billboards produced by Tammerneon.

"The tower has a total weight of 18 tonnes and an electrical output of 3 700 watts. The tower is visible from a long distance along the Kemi-Tornio highway in both directions and as far as Torniontie and Jäämerentie," says Timo Mattila, Sales and Marketing Director at Tammerneon, describing the tower's size.

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