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Tammerneon/ Tuotteet/

Box Signs

Box sign is an eye-catching and inexpensive way to attract attention. LED box signs can be made from a variety of materials.

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Traditional and cost effective box signs are illuminated with LED’s. Box signs can be produced in either single or double-sided versions, usually with an aluminium profile or tubular structure as the frame. 

The front surface of the box sign is made of acrylic, polycarbonate, or a durable and flexible material. A seamless front surface up to 5m wide can be achieved with flexible material. The surface of the advertisement can be a decal, screen printed or printed digitally directly onto the sign face.


Länsimetro, Espoo

Opened in late 2018, the Länsimetro is one of the most important and largest public transport projects in the capital region and the largest ever in Finland. The second phase of the project, comprising 13 stations in total, is due for completion in 2023.

The design of the lighting on Länsimetro has been based on the safety of passengers in all situations, which has also been reflected in the careful design of the lighting. Tammerneon has manufactured the signs for eight metro stations, with a total length of more than 3 km and a total of more than 135 000 energy-efficient LED modules to guide almost 100 000 users every day.

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